
How to Create Normalcy During Uncertain Times

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Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

 Hi! I’m Michele Shakeshaft, a National Makeup Artist for Bobbi Brown Cosmetics. March 2020 came in like a lion. I’m used to being on the go all the time, so adjusting to our “new normal” during the Coronavirus pandemic has been a huge change for me.

Before social distancing started, my schedule was jam-packed with large events, public speaking, training, conducting one-on-one consultations, and even attending NYFW. I’m used to jumping on planes and trains weekly to travel solo to somewhere new. 

COVID-19 has presented us all with an infinite number of new challenges. When the outbreak first hit, I had to work with my company to figure out how to reframe my day-to-day contributions. Every change, big and small, can bring with it an uncertainty that weighs heavily upon us.  

At the same time, my boyfriend had to go through a similar transition. I knew we were going to be spending A LOT of time together — in the one bedroom apartment we share with our large dog Chloe.  Immediately, I evaluated how to make the best of this situation. Without a positive mindset, I knew 750 sq ft. would get really small, and fast. Whether you live alone or with a partner, I highly recommend creating a framework for your day-to-day life.

Every day, I carve out space for continuous self-care by following a basic routine.

As soon as I was given the “work from home” directive, I knew I had to create a daily routine. Having one in place has helped me regain some normalcy amidst the chaos and fear so many of us feel right now. Every day, I carve out space for continuous self-care by following a basic routine. I keep it flexible, but setting a baseline keeps me accountable, productive, and on track.  Here’s what that looks like for me:

Daily Routine Part 1: Morning

1. Get Up at a Reasonable Time to Maintain Normalcy

As much as you might be tempted to sleep in, I can’t stress enough how important this is! Pretend you’re physically going into work every day to stay sharp and focused. Try to stick to your normal sleep schedule as closely as possible.

2. Get in the Right Headspace by Getting Ready 

 Take a shower, get dressed for work, and put on a little makeup (I’m a makeup artist…what do you expect?) Doing so immediately shifts my mind into work mode – look good, feel good. 

3. Dress for Success to Kickstart a Great Routine

PJ’s and sweats are not good options for me. I like feeling cozy, but being too comfy can hamper my productivity. When my day is done in the evening, I change into cozy clothes and my mind shifts to personal/family/down time.  

My hair is up for debate on a daily basis. Lately, my head scarf game has been on point! I highly recommend this time-saving lifehack. It’s such an easy way to feel polished and put together.  

4. Keep Your Living Space in Order & Establish Good Habits

Making my bed every day is just one way I make my life feel more manageable and get my mindset in order. Rather than letting things pile up in my living space, I take time out of every day to do the small tasks like cleaning and organizing so they won’t add up to a big mess I’ll need to tackle later on.

5. Meditate for a Sense of Clarity, Calm, and Normalcy

Meditation is an essential part of my day. It’s more challenging now we have two people working from home, but it’s non-negotiable. My boyfriend gets up before me to take our dog Chloe out, which gives me some time alone to mediate. When he returns, Chloe and I grab a quick morning snuggle while he meditates. Meditating helps me stabilize my mind, focus on the present, and decrease the amount of time I spend feeling stuck wondering “what if?”

Daily Routine Part 2: Afternoon

 6. Nourish Your Whole Self by Eating Healthy

 I juice every morning and take vitamins and immune boosters. Here are a few pictures of what I typically have for breakfast, lunch, and snacks:

When I eat healthy, I nourish my body and my mind. It shifts my mind into a more positive headspace. 

7. Get Outside Every Day

I usually go for a mid-day walk with my dog to get some sunshine and vitamin D. In the evenings, we take in the sunset. I focus on feeling the air on my face, the scents, the colors, and the sounds. 

8.  Stay in the Loop By Networking Online

Every day, I make time to get on social media and connect with my fellow artists and followers.  We all need connection, and that means in our professional lives, too! This is going to be how I inspire and teach my craft. Now, it’s a main source of my connection to the people I was used to seeing all the time.

Daily Routine Part 3: Evenings and Weekends:

Avoid Alcohol During the Week: 

Even though DC has deemed liquor stores to be “essential businesses,” I feel so much better and more focused when I don’t give in to that craving for a glass of wine during the work week. I need to feel focused, on my game, ready for new challenges, and emotionally strong….alcohol could be my kryptonite for all these goals.

Sign Up for Online Courses: 

After work and on the weekends, sometimes I just want to relax and exhale… but now I have so much extra time on my hands, I’m inspired to use it to my advantage! I’m taking this opportunity to sign up for virtual classes so I can learn more about topics and skills that have interested me for years and was never able to commit to learning due to my crazy schedule. So, I shall relax and learn on the weekends.

Every cloud always passes, and the sun always shines a bit brighter.

Use Scheduling As a Strategy for Self-Care During Social Distancing

It’s so critical to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. If I don’t put my own well-being first, how can I be a good partner, daughter, sister, friend, or dog mom? How can I show up for  anyone who needs my help or partnership if I’m not showing up for myself?

Sailing these uncharted waters is incredibly stressful, but creating a sense of direction has brought me so much peace. 

I know there is a time when we will all have moved through this scary and stressful phase the world is in right now. Every cloud always passes, and the sun always shines a bit brighter. Until then, I plan on using this routine. I hope this advice brings you comfort in this trying time. Use my example as a shortcut to create your own!