
10 Work From Home Tips for Newbies

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During this period of social distancing due to COVID-19, many of us have switched to a work from home situation. Working from home when you’re used to being in an office around other people all day can be a jarring change of pace.

When you’re staying home all day, it’s easy for the hours to blend together and the lines between work and “life” to blur. What steps can you take to set yourself up for success and establish healthy boundaries? A lot of us are asking that question right now. That’s why we created this guide to ease the transition to working from home due to Coronavirus:

SiOV’s Top 10 Work From Home Tips for Newbies will 

1. Create a Daily Schedule While You Work from Home

– And Stick to it!

Plan out a daily schedule for both work and how you’ll spend your leisure time. Laying out all your responsibilities and upcoming due dates will help you organize your time on a more granular level. After laying out all the high-level action items, write out every step of each task to ensure you complete everything. Schedule each day you’re working from home to establish a routine that works.

2. Designate a Dedicated Workspace

(Not Your Bed!)

As comfy as it is, try not to work in your bed or on the couch. Setting up a desk-type area that mirrors your workspace at the office will help you get in “work mode.” If possible, try to make it look similar to your desk at work. Keep the cozy places in your home for relaxing. The coronavirus pandemic is stressful, so take measures to mitigate that impact like self-care throughout the day.

3. Source the Right Tools for WFH Success

Having useful devices on hand will definitely help smooth this transition into “the new normal.” A high quality speakerphone like this one is a game-changer.  Ask if you can order one through your company’s tech shop or if they can procure one for you before spending your own money!

Project management software is your secret weapon. If you don’t already use one, consider integrating a free tool like Trello into your organization method ( it’s essentially a digital and more dynamic to-do list).

Writing out every step of tasks you’re responsible for will ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Furthermore, checking the boxes on the to-do list feature feels great!

4. Take Short Breaks to Stay Productive While You Work from Home

As permissible by your employer, take short breaks every 30 or so minutes. Keep in mind that the average human attention span is about 20 minutes. Don’t think of this as wasted time; breaks actually enhance productivity. Maximize the benefits by conducting a mental wellness check

If you’re allowed a full hour for lunch, get the most out of that time by hopping on FaceTime with friends or streaming a brief workout video. Staying active while you’re cooped up can give you a major mood boost!

Hop on chats or video calls to share stories & laughs with coworkers!

5. Stay Social with Your Colleagues While You Work from Home

Especially if you live by yourself, it’s important to make time to socialize during this period of social distancing. That applies to your working hours, too! Hop on chats, hold video calls, and set up team rooms to maintain positive social interactions with your coworkers and share stories, and laughs with each other.

6. Block Off Time on Shared Calendars to Produce

Meetings and calls can dominate the remote work landscape — fast. Make sure you reserve calendar time to indicate you’ll be heads down and focused on your own work. This strategy applies well to taking breaks and eating meals, too. 

Check out this guide to time blocking from Doist, featured in the image above, for more ideas

7. Build Healthy Habits into Your Daily Work From Home Routine

Work-life balance is especially important while we’re all social distancing. Don’t let your job consume all your waking hours. Pencil in time to relax, decompress, and rejuvenate! This period is an excellent opportunity to establish healthy habits and routines you want to maintain in the future. Why not learn how to cook a healthy new meal or try out a different type of workout?  Staying on track daily will make it easier to transition back to the office when that does happen.

Pencil in time to relax, decompress, and rejuvenate

8. Get Outside for a Breath of Fresh Air

Being cooped up in the house all day in and day out can take a toll on your mood. Get your spirit soaring by going outside (staying at least 6 feet away from people!) for a walk or just to feel the sun on your face and wind in your hair. If you don’t need to be writing during it, why not take one of your calls outside?

9. Keep Your Sleep Cycle on Track While You Work From Home

It’s tempting to want to hit snooze if you don’t need to physically be at the office at 9 AM, but you still need to show up mentally prepared to work.

Why not use the time commuting normally takes to your advantage? Take a few minutes to journal and spark creativity.  Treat yourself by cooking a nice breakfast instead of sleeping until the very last minute. Waking up at the same time as normal will keep you in “work mode.” Try not to stay up too late to keep your circadian rhythm on track.

Get your spirit soaring by going outside!

10. Set Boundaries to Maintain Work-Life Balance

 Flexibility can rapidly morph into stress if you don’t manage expectations about when you’re available to work. When you’re on the clock, stay on it; resist the urge to do chores around the house or goof off. 

On the flip side, your off time is your own. Establish your working hours, which should mirror your standard hours, and stick to them. It’s easy for the lines between work and the rest of your life to blur, so self-advocate when necessary. 

It’s easy for the lines between work and life to blur, so self-advocate when necessary. 

As we gear up for a new work week, let’s all make a commitment to practice self-care during these uncertain times. Your mental and emotional wellbeing are just as important as the volume of work you produce! Taking care of yourself first will make you the best asset possible for your team, too.